Technical Audits

From technical performance to user journey, an audit can help you find and overcome bottlenecks and technical debts, creating a clear path to success.

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We assess your current state of affairs to identify risks and gaps, as well as opportunities for growth, and provide detailed recommendations in a written report.

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Spark uses the latest technologies, tools, and frameworks to perform in-depth audits that examine your product or processes from every angle.

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We don’t just give you a bunch of data. Our experts convert it into actionable insights and meaningful recommendations.

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Our team performs unbiased audits, giving you a new perspective that can uncover risks and opportunities you haven't considered before.

product audit

We’ll analyze your digital product, including its architecture, code quality, databases, security, performance, UI/UX design, and stability.

development process audit

Our experts can audit your development processes by assessing things like project management, QA and testing, architecture design, and release pipelines.

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